Consulting - MLM Software

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

MLM Software and Twitter Awesome or Bust?

Well I am officially a tweeter on twitter now. Two days of exploration with the intention beginning as only a way to update our MLM Software Clients with support type information has turned into an obsession that has already started to gain us traffic and busines..

Almost as cool as tripping across YouTube was.

The first mission was figuring out how to make Twitter show on our website so it is easy for clients to see even if they do not want to sign up to Twitter. for MLM Software Support

and for miscellaneous musings of Dennis Wilson co founder of MLM Software company

The next step became about how to use twitter to have people find out about our MLM Software and announce interesting events that have occurred either in our MLM Software company, or even news from our MLM Software clients.

For example we tweeted out the announcement of GeonLabs our client launching our AutoProspecting System. His URL was

It is amazing how Twitter attracts people. Just by being active on Twitter, your followers grow. Almost any URL you put out to them that makes sense gets picked up not only by them, but by the Twitter Search engine and you get an abnormal amount of looky lou's coming by to see what you are talking about.

Still not sure if it is the best thing or not, but so far Twitter has certainly attracted my attention as a support tool, and a way to give a little helping hand to our MLM Software clients.

Would love feedback on what the rest of the Blogosphere thinks about this amazing thing called twitter.


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